Saturday, April 19, 2008

you should have seen yourself

you should
have seen
the light
lit darkness
with shadows
sharp across
our faces
we look to
our sides
and see each other
we look to
the front
and see the brick
wall of the 100
year old beauty.
if only we were
100 and just
as beautiful

and like it
we must clear
out the debris
and rediscover
what magic
passed before
and bring it back
but like each
great show
an ending
a cross roads
we face our
our weaknesses
and find what makes
us compatible
and not
we find in
our moments
of fear, what makes
us look fierce is
only fear with
strength driving it
and we've found it

you should
have seen
pouring out
letting me
who you are
holding my
hand as i
discover the
human condition
God is not something
we should learn about
in church
Philosophy is not something
we should learn about
in school
Life is not something
we should be told
Life experience will
teach of all of these
great mysteries
if you hold my hand
"i feel an energy between us
can i hold your hand?
i like the contact"

no matter the
tempest of feelings
no matter the
no matter if
we stay or go
just hold my hand

"So never leave me lonely
Tell me you love me only
And that you'll always let it be me"
-everly brothers

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