Sunday, March 28, 2010

thanks ;-)

"Do you have Yuengling?"
"Sure, draft?"
"Yes, please."
"And for you?"
"I'll have a Blue Moon."

Mine as well. Right?
It's a drink I love. My favorite beer.
Just something I discovered...
Oh wait. No I didn't.

If I had to list the amount of issues I have
I'm sure I could fill a newspaper.
You're right. This is not how I wanted to spend
the last semester. The end. Maybe I've done
what I've done because I thought it really was
the end, and it's really just another beginning.
And these strong little conversations between
us are reminders that lives continue.
And we haven't forgotten
one solitary thing.
Not one thing.
But that's only to be expected.
It's a mad world out there.
And I think it's finally dawned on me that
the most important thing,
 at least for the time being,
is to have someone to trust.
It doesn't matter who they are.
Or who they're seeing
Or what they've heard
Or where they're going
Or when they'll come and go
Or why things ended up this way.
Because the history doesn't matter
when you know you can trust them.

"Thank you." I say.
Then a smile. There it is. I've missed it.
Then a message. One I could trust.
Then a response.

Or should I have called?
No. Yes. Fuck.
I can never decide these things.
But somehow if I ended up
on a voicemail, I think the
message would sound like this:
"Hey, I know this is a surprise phone call but, thanks for today. I really...uhh...I think I really needed it. And umm... You can always trust me too. Look, I know I disappoint you a lot and talk-is-cheap, but you're the most honest trustworthy person I know. OK. I think that's it for now. Have fun in Vegas! See you soon.

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